League Against Cruel Sports
Betrayal of wildlife
League Against Cruel Sports’ Embarrassing Blunder: The Centenary Celebration That Wasn’t
The League Against Cruel Sports spent the entire 2024 celebrating their 100th anniversary, without anyone at the League bothering to verify their founding date.
Ethical League Employee
Jordi Casamitjana was dismissed by the League Against Cruel Sports after raising concerns about its pension fund investments in companies conducting animal testing.
League Vice Presidents
Actor Peter Egan and author Penny Morgan, vice-presidents of the League, were dismissed by League Directors.
League Trustees
League Directors have expelled trustees with knowledge of hunting and did their duties with integrity.
League Members
Lifelong League members and volunteers have been expelled by the League Directors.
Enough is Enough, Time for Change
League Against Cruel Sports
Overpromoted – Overpaid – Self-serving
The League’s senior management team continues to waste donor contributions on legal fees to protect their salaries rather than protect wildlife.
Where Is the Accountability?
Save The League
To ensure the future of the League Against Cruel Sports, the following actions are essential:
League For Prancing About in Fox Costumes
The League Against Cruel Sports was once highly regarded for its rigorous investigations and comprehensive reports on bloodsports.
However, in recent years, the League is better known for its staff attending hunt fundraisers, the ineffectiveness of its campaigns, and the use of cute fox costumes in their messaging. As a former CEO of the League remarked:
“… prancing about in a fox costume won’t get back what they [the League] lost…”
What People Are Saying
Save The League
Save the League is dedicated to restoring transparency, accountability, and strong leadership to the League Against Cruel Sports. We advocate for the integrity of the League’s mission and protecting its core values against management failures.